Global Pathways Academy

We assist your teachers and students to access quality online instruction.

Global Pathways Academy

Global Pathways Academy is an online school that is accredited for grades 4-12. It is a U.S. aligned high quality Christian curriculum that can be used by schools, teachers, and homeschool/remote students.

Grant Use Case 1: Brick and mortar School  

Established K-12 mission school in China wants to offer AP courses to high school students but can not hire a teacher for these course offerings.


Enroll students/classroom in desired courses.

Train existing teachers on school platform, asynchronous learning, and classroom facilitator role.

Utilize online courses to expand course offerings.

Grant Use Case 2: Teacher Education

Young rural school in West Africa desires to provide continuing education to their teachers and administrative staff to expand expertise.


Enroll teachers in desired courses.

Train existing teachers on school platform and asynchronous learning to develop new skills.

Utilize online courses to support ongoing professional development.

Grant Use Case 3: Student Education

Homeschool/remote learning student wishes to receive a U.S. aligned Christian college prep education.


Enroll student in desired courses.

Train student on school platform and asynchronous learning format.

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